Ontario’s three-phased opening plan

Ontario’s three-phased opening plan

June 7, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed our lives forever in the way we work (mostly work from home these days), the way we meet people (social distancing), personal hygiene (washing and sanitizing our hands), protecting ourselves and others (wearing masks), and the list goes on.

While we are eagerly waiting to get out and enjoy the beautiful sunny days, good news seems like starting to come by one after the other.

Just last week FDA approved a drug to treat COVID-19 patients, please note that this other than the vaccine which is a prevention regime from the virus.

Just a few minutes ago today the province of Ontario has announced a three-stage plan of opening the businesses and gradual easing of shopping and social and religious gatherings.

A good article appeared in today’s The Globe and Mail and an excerpt from the article is quoted for your quick review;

Here are the highlights of what’s allowed under the first phase:

– Outdoor gatherings of up to 10 people (a government spokesperson confirmed different households can mix)
– Patios with up to four people at each table
– Retail will begin reopening with a 15-per-cent cap for non-essential businesses, 25 per cent for essential retail
– Outdoor religious ceremonies and rite with capacity limits and two-metre physical distancing requirements
– Outdoor sports and training for up to 10 people allowed
– Day camps, campgrounds, Ontario Parks, horse racing, speedways, outdoor pools, zoos, splash pads allowed

Here are the highlights of what’s allowed under the second phase:

– Outdoor gatherings for up to 25 people, indoor gatherings for up to 5 people
– Outdoor patio tables will be able to have up to six people
– Non-essential retail capacity will be increased to 25 per cent
– Personal care settings with face masks worn at all times
– Outdoor meeting and event spaces, amusement parks, water parks, boat tours, county fairs, sports leagues and events, cinemas and arts venues will be allowed to reopen

Here are the highlights of what’s allowed under the third phase:

– Large indoor, outdoor gatherings and indoor dining
– Greater expansion of capacity for retail businesses
– Larger indoor religious services, rites and ceremonies
– Indoor meeting, event spaces
– Indoor sports, recreational facilities
– Indoor seated events, attractions, cultural amenities
– Casinos and bingo halls
– Other outdoor, phase two activities will be allowed to operate indoors

I am always available to discuss further and find the best solution for your requirements and situation whether you are planning to buy or sell or both to move to a bigger house or downsizing.

There is always a better solution a professional can provide, sometimes beyond your thoughts.

I will be glad to receive your call at your earliest convenience at 416-908-5600.

Take care of yourselves and follow the safety precautions defined by healthcare professionals.

Please pray for the safety of all and seeing an end to the COVID-19 pandemic soon.


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A. Q. Mufti

To read the Globe and Mail full article click the link below: