Good signals coming of some plans to gradual opening of businesses

Good signals coming of some plans to gradual opening of businesses

April 28, 2020

All eyes are anxiously waiting for news of life getting back to normal, or to some sort of gradual reopening of businesses and social gatherings. In Canada, lates indications are coming towards the same. The Chief Medical Officer of Canada a few days back alluded to some sort of relaxation. So is B.C. gearing towards the gradual opening of the businesses. On Monday, Ontario’s Premier announced a three-stage plan to opening up the businesses, although no specific date was announced there is somewhat positive news is coming out of flattening the COVID-19 spread curve.

The Ontario plan goes in three stages for businesses reopening;


  • Those businesses which can follow healthcare guidelines such as curbside pickup of merchandise
  • Outdoor areas such as parks
  • Public gatherings such as funeral services


  • Opening of service industries, retail, etc. based on the risk assessment
  • Allowing more larger gatherings


  • Opening of all workplaces responsibly
  • Further relaxing public gatherings
  • Continued restrictions on large public gatherings

Take care of yourselves and follow the safety precautions defined by healthcare professionals.

Please pray for the safety of all and the cure for COVID-19 to be found at the earliest.


A. Q. Mufti

Follow the link below for a recent report from The Globe & Mail;