July 30, 2020
Due to COVID-19 pandemic retails sales have plunged but online sales have doubled, according to a recent report published by CBC.
With the increase in online shopping, many think about the risks of online fraud.
I have summarized the main points from an article from Equifax, a credit monitoring service provider, below to help you safeguard your online purchasing.
- Be careful where you shop.
- Think before you click.
- Don’t trust pop-up ads.
- check the retailer’s online reviews.
- Don’t share unnecessary personal data.
- Use credit cards instead of debit cards.
- Don’t save your payment information.
- Update your antivirus software before you shop.
- Check your network.
- Avoid using the same password across shopping websites.
Here is the article to read details about the above points:
Take care of yourselves and follow the safety precautions defined by healthcare professionals.
Please pray for the safety of all and the cure for COVID-19 to be found at the earliest.
A. Q. Mufti