How to safeguard your Online shopping

How to safeguard your Online shopping

July 30, 2020

Due to COVID-19 pandemic retails sales have plunged but online sales have doubled, according to a recent report published by CBC.

With the increase in online shopping, many think about the risks of online fraud.

I have summarized the main points from an article from Equifax, a credit monitoring service provider, below to help you safeguard your online purchasing.

  1. Be careful where you shop. 
  2. Think before you click. 
  3. Don’t trust pop-up ads. 
  4. check the retailer’s online reviews.
  5. Don’t share unnecessary personal data.
  6. Use credit cards instead of debit cards. 
  7. Don’t save your payment information. 
  8. Update your antivirus software before you shop. 
  9. Check your network. 
  10. Avoid using the same password across shopping websites.

Here is the article to read details about the above points:

Take care of yourselves and follow the safety precautions defined by healthcare professionals.

Please pray for the safety of all and the cure for COVID-19 to be found at the earliest.


A. Q. Mufti